With Escola here you can stay on top of whats going on in São Paulos municipal education network. Available features:* Student information - Registration data; - School unit information (address and phone); - Bulletin (after the closing of each two months); - Frequency (updated whenever the teacher performs the registration);* Announcements - Sent by SME; - Sent by the regional board (DRE); - Sent by the School Unit (EU);* Student Agenda - Date of classes; - Date of events; - Date of evaluations.Attention: The School here is for the exclusive use of parents and guardians of students regularly enrolled in the municipal education network in the city of São Paulo.- Installation and access guidance video: https://youtu.be/qPu-j50PTNg- Navigation guidance video: https://youtu.be/YSnQiO0m0Rg If you are unable to access the application, please contact the School Unit in which the student is enrolled.